editorial photography

Favourites of 2016

Wow. Another year. It honestly felt like two months ago I wrote my last blog post....about my favourite photos of 2015. That's a little embarrassing. But it was for good reason. 

2016 was quite busy. And busy is good. I was still at the Toronto Star this time last year as a visual specialist. Unfortunately some things must end, and it gave me the opportunity to work towards what I wanted since I was a kid - to be a photographer with the Star. With all my free time, I was able to focus on shooting video for their internship application and between that and hounding the editor (sorry) I was in. 

It was a busy summer. Working mornings, evenings, weekends, holidays. Didn't matter to me. I just wanted to be there working and learning. I had the opportunity to shoot everything from portraits of celebrities to homicides all while growing my craft and making some friends along the way. 

It was through one of the many wonderful people I met at the Star that I was able to get onto the freelance photo editor list at Maclean's Magazine where I'm learning more and more each day. 

I want to thank everyone that helped me out and put up with all my (sometimes stupid) questions in 2016. You guys make work a blast and I'm so thankful for the experience. 

Anyways here are a collection of photos I liked from 2016. Not everything was published, some was just stuff shot hanging out with friends. I hope you enjoy, and heres to a better 2017.